About us


We started our journey into handbags and accessories in retail stores in 5 malls 18 years ago.  Everything was great until my husband, Ron, our founder and dreamer, our everything, was diagnosed with chondrosarcoma in 2017.  

We lost Ron, at the age of 44 in 2018, after the fiercest battle.  We were, and still are, completely devastated.  I am launching this website to honor Ron and to continue the business he worked so hard to create.  The name Zronia carries personal significance: It is a combination of all of our names.

Our mission is to have a wide selection of fashionable handbags and accessories, at an affordable price.  We travel the world to discover the hottest trends and bring them to you. We change our selection often, and carry limited quantities of each style, ensuring your individuality.  

We donate a portion of our proceeds to www.curesarcoma.org, with hope that there will be a cure in the very near future.  

We hope you find something you love!